Kurt Eugen Schneider, MD, practiced medicine in Zurich. He then studied in India and America the effects of Eastern meditation practices on the human psyche, especially Tantra and Zen.
After his return, he worked as a psychotherapist specializing in Jungian psychoanalysis, body therapies, as well as systemic family therapy.
Podcast Interview with Kurt Schneider (Leeladhar)
Changing Sex to Know thyself?
The Interview with the team of Love Osho was held in 2019.
Life Stages
- Born 1935 in Zurich
- 1961 Medical State Examination at the University of Zurich, followed by Rotating Internship in Schenectady/New York
- 1962/63 world trip and subsequent training as a specialist FMH for surgery and later as a specialist FMH for plastic and reconstructive surgery at the University Hospital Zurich.
- Further training in Buffalo/New York and Miami/Florida
- 1973 – 1980 in own practice for plastic and reconstructive surgery in Zurich
- Since 1973 occupation with humanistic psychology (especially also with body-related psychotherapy) as well as seminars with Dan Casriel (New York) and students of Carl Rogers and Wilhelm Reich in Zist and Coloman (Bavaria)
- From 1979 stays with Osho in India and later Oregon/USA to deepen my meditation experience
- 1984 license to practice medicine in the US state of Oregon
- From 1985 back in Switzerland: Trainings a. a. with Peter Schellenbaum, Bertold Ulsamer and as a seminar leader at the Management Zentrum St Gallen.
- From 1990 in own practice for body-based psychotherapy in Basel. Further training and supervision at the psychiatric university polyclinic
- 2002 publication of the book “Liebe & Schmerz, ein Schlüssel zur Gefühlswelt” (Love & Pain, a Key to the World of Emotions) by Verlag Schwabe Basel
- Married; two children and three grandchildren of the first marriage