KeywordJoie de vivre

Liebe & Schmerz – Kurt E. Schneider: Ein wissenschaftlicher Blick auf die Gefühlswelt

Life Phases of love


Except for the earliest childhood, man never lives in the state of being love for a longer period of time. In the course of his development, the love experience changes from being love and the primary excited love to purposeful love and the secondary excited love. I distinguish three phases. The »»

Is there a more “original” self?


Western psychology is oriented toward the individual and therefore its concepts of self refer to the individual self. Eastern thought stretch the concept of self more broadly. The Upanishadic seers of India developed a philosophy of self as early as about 700 BCE. Their concept of self is »»

Qualities of Being Love


Essential qualities of love of being are: Openness, Uncriticism, Naive Wonder, Timelessness, Spacelessness and Permeability, Emptiness, Experience of Freedom and Independence, Eutonic Body State, Tenderness, Aperspectival Experiential World, Oceanic Feeling, Averbal Figurative Process, Contentment »»

How we repress and avoid psychic pain


Strategies of the socialized secondary self The socialization that leads from the primary to the secondary self is inseparably linked to the process of repression and suppression of unwanted emotional responses. Therefore the development of the secondary self, the very core product of this process »»

Meditation and valley orgasm


As the term meditation is paraphrased in the German “Duden” with different keywords like contemplation, pondering and religious immersion, the word obviously contains different aspects of meaning. From the Eastern point of view in particular pondering is exactly what meditation is not »»

Dr. Kurt Eugen Schneider
Dr. Kurt Eugen Schneider

