Two therapeutic consequences
Emotions are not only involved in our behavior, but are also crucial causes of our psychic and physical well-being.
From many of my remarks, therapeutic consequences can be drawn. However, it would go beyond the scope of this website to show ways out of self-alienation in detail, especially because both individually and socially extremely different levels are affected.
Two basic notes I would like to emphasize
These three L’s establish the human joy of life. They maintain the flow of energy in a loving exchange of physical contact. They satisfy – lived as being love, spontaneous lust and excitement and as the playful happiness of the “natural child” – the unconscious longing for paradise.
For a variety of reasons, however, psychic pain and suffering are unavoidable; the healthy person carries within him or her the potential to overcome even difficult situations. If the suffering is too strong, too long lasting, or if it hits a psychologically or physically weakened personality, the question of “treatment”, of “cure” arises.
From my point of view, everyone first must make the following basic decision:
Is it enough for me to remain within the framework of my secondary self and thus of the socially accepted main reality?
Or do the disturbances I perceive as painful are moving me so strongly that I am also willing to look for deeper layers of being?
In the first case, I will address the symptoms, especially with medicinal means, and will go for cognitively behavioral changes.
In the second case, I will question my previous life by establishing contact with the primary self and thus with being love. I will question my life to this point. By physical and psychological approaches (for example, by body therapy, family therapy, psychoanalysis) as well as by meditation, I will get to know not only the outer world, but also my inner world in a new way – whenever possible motivated by pleasure and life-affirmation.
This creates a resilient foundation on which the inner yes can come to fruition. The compulsion to intenional love (Zweckliebe) loosens, the loving essential state of being love begins to open.
The “suffering” of the grievance (the main part of the secondary psychic pain) is now “seen through” and thus “overcome”.
An aphorism by ANDRÉ BRETON paraphrases the quintessence of my work in simple terms:
“Il n y a pas de solution hors de l’amour”
André Breton
(There is no solution other than love)